I love foreign movies and I feel like many people don't realize that they exist. After all, the only movies people tend to know about, are the movies that have huge studio backings. Take for example, this summers hit movie Inception, everyone loved it. It has a Rotten Tomatoes Rating of 87% (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inception/) but not many people know about the movie Paprika, a japanese film that has similar themes. That also have a high rating of 82% in Rotten Tomatoes (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/paprika/). I feel that if the people who watch and enjoyed Inception gave the film Paprika a chance, they would be pleasant surprise by how much they would like it.
In conclusion, if I can get one person to watch a foreign film that they would have not watch before reading this blog, I would be a very happy person.